Here is my first one... it's working title is "Book Store Love"
In my own world amongst the chronicles of human thought,
You came up to the poetry section,
I was next to you in the drama section,
What was this beating in my soul?
Skimming titles aimlessly,
Trying to avert my eyes sideways,
A short breath escapes through this magnetism I feel,
Which has turned me forever mute.
Talk to me,
Let’s run away through the aisles with Emily Dickinson,
Or fly away to the skies with Keats,
Dreaming I think of this story.
Yet as I stand carefully positioning my every move,
You seem to skim faster,
Your beloved poetry is nowhere to be found,
Neither is my play.
Come back to me now,
Were you a soul mate I’ve now lost forever?
I stare as you go across the store,
Yet am shaken from my dream.
This chance is gone,
I look at the shelves empty handed,
My story is not to be found,
Only physical books stare back at me,
My loneliness a harsh punishment for my silence.
And my second one doesn't have a title yet. Still thinking!!
You were gone for good,
For good I said from my heart,
Never again would I hope you could be my anything,
Yet why am I still with you unable to part?
The frustration and nights of painful tears,
Your deceit and unguarded playfulness,
My torn heart as I stared at you with others,
All of this giving me such unprecedented stress.
Yet we were together once,
Or was it only in my dreams?
I thought you held me in yours too,
But I felt stranded from you for months.
So here is my final declaration,
I cannot love you nor loathe you,
Must I live in the middle passage forever?
With Love,
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